Contact Us

If you want to get your hands on some review or require some more information about the products that we have reviewed, you may contact us by E-mail. We will be happy to get back to you with our research and make alterations and updates wherever necessary.

We would be happy to review products for you if you require our help. You can also submit your own review as well. We do not sell or manufacture any products reviewed by us. So, we are not the right point of contact if you wish to cancel your order or want to get your money refunded in case you have purchased any product that we have reviewed. For all matters relating to exchange and refunding, you must contact the seller from whom you have purchased the product.

In case you have questions regarding our site, you may contact us. Please note we will not be able to help you with refund or billing of the any of the products reviewed by us.

Contact us : [email protected]